Anchor Charts

I was cleaning out pictures on my phone and came across a math anchor chart that I'd made a few weeks ago.

Addition and subtraction is hard enough separately to master, but when your teacher wants you do to both operations and maybe even regroup...

Want to talk about frustration level??  So, on a whim, I created this anchor chart to help my students remember when to regroup and how.  The first question they always ask is, Mrs. W, do we have to regroup on these problems??

I hate that question.  I've been asked that question more this year than any other year!  My students don't like mixed practice... I've noticed they are more "compartmentalized" this year.  So, mean teacher that I am, I'm mixing it up and taking them out of their comfort zone.  I mean, I have to!  

Hope you can use this little chart and it helps your students.  Jury's still out on whether it's helped mine.  

Click here to get your own copy... perfect for a mini anchor chart to put on a desk or math notebook!

1 comment

  1. Haley...I totally understand your frustration with this. It is like this generation of kiddos seems to compartmentalize SO many concepts. Teaching kids how to THINK is tricky... I LOVE your anchor charts!
    The Techie Teacher


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