Brushing off the dust...

Hello all (if you are still out there!)

I can't believe it's been almost an entire year since I last published a post on here.  But what a year it's been!

New grade level, new principal, new curriculum, new room, new team, new everything!  I'm so excited to approach the upcoming year, and I can very honestly say that the excitement had been long buried beneath a lot of the other "junk" that comes with teaching.

I've been digging deep (well, officially) into my curriculum and having a year to teach it, I'm really excited about taking it further and creating lessons and materials to use.  Last summer I sat and twiddled my thumbs a bit... when you change grade levels, you don't want to come in as a "know it all" or overstep any boundaries.  No, I absolutely didn't have a clue 90% of what this lesson or standard would look like in my room, so I kept quiet.

My district uses UbD (Understanding by design) to unpack standards in reading and math.  It is quite the daunting task.  While I am NO means an expert on the topic, last night I played around with unpacking my first standard solo... I'll share when I finish it completely.

Just wanted to say I'm planning to be a little more proactive this summer and share some of the things I'm doing in my classroom.

See you soon!

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